Putty paste clipboard
Putty paste clipboard

putty paste clipboard
  1. #Putty paste clipboard code
  2. #Putty paste clipboard plus
putty paste clipboard putty paste clipboard

C:Program Files (x86)XmingXming.exe :0 -clipboard -multiwindow If the. Triple-Click will select the whole line below the mouse cursor and copy. Double-Click will select the whole word below the mouse cursor and copy it to the clipboard. Shift-Right-Click will bring up a context menu in the Putty window. However I’m quite happy clicking my line-breaks to DOS format if that lets me paste it in as-is. On Windows, this is probably PuTTY, which you should have installed already. Here are a few bonus tips: more Shift-Insert will also Paste into the Putty window. I’ve fiddled with Nano’s and Joe’s options left, right and center with no success in getting them to understand line-breaks in \n only clipboard data (using whatever program).

#Putty paste clipboard code

However, Putty works okay with DOS-linebreak format, and the code flows in as-is. Instead of 'Ctrl-C,' you can copy to the Windows clipboard by highlighting text with your mouse. In other words, the result of any line-breaked paste to SmarTTY matches the result of pasting Unix-break text in Putty. In a PuTTY session, the Windows shortcut keys lose their meaning.

#Putty paste clipboard plus

Here are screenshots to illustrate the issue. Make sure Putty scrollback is set to number of lines in file plus some : echo (((cat wc -l) + 5)) () Clear screen, e.g.

(I’m guessing SmarTTY simply strips \r from the clipboard contents? An option to disable this, pretty please?) I’m sure you can do something about the way clipboard contents are fed in on paste so as to preserve line-breaks when they exist in the original. It’s rather important to be able to paste in code without mangling up the line-breaks, so this is a bit of a deal-breaker for a terminal tool I nearly fell in love with already. It does not happen if the line starts with a space/tab character. In Putty, pasting works as expected with DOS style line-breaks, though produces the same result with \n only. It doesn’t matter whether the clipboard source uses \n (*nix) or \r\n (DOS). Nano or Joe, line-breaks are eaten up whenever the text isn’t indented (Nano), or altogether (Joe). When I paste code from the clipboard into e.g.

Putty paste clipboard