Conjure dremora lord looked down upon
Conjure dremora lord looked down upon

conjure dremora lord looked down upon

Reanimate a weak dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds: Raise Zombie Spell ID: 00 07e8e1 Tome ID: 00 09e2aa Only available with the Plague of the Dead Creation.Can be found at a ritual site southeast of Helgen, just north of Southfringe Sanctum.Can be purchased from: Calcelmo, Falion, Farengar Secret-Fire, Madena, Nelacar, Phinis Gestor, Sybille Stentor, Wuunferth the Unliving, Wylandriah, Talvas Fathryon DB (only after The Rising Dead has been completed).Summons a Zombie for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing: Can be found resting on a rock at The Ritual StoneĬonjure Zombie CC Spell ID: fe xxx 804 Tome ID: fe xxx 86E.The ghost's attributes are equal to twice the amount of magicka consumed (up to 600): Only available with the Necromantic Grimoire CreationĬonjure Undying Ghost CC Spell ID: FE xxx 85E Tome ID: FE xxx 88AĬonsumes all magicka and summons an Undying Ghost for 60 seconds.Can be found upon an altar on a hill southwest of Fort Greymoor.Can be purchased from: Phinis Gestor (?).Summons a weak Skeleton warrior for 60 seconds:

conjure dremora lord looked down upon

Summons a Familiar for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing:Ĭonjure Skeleton Minion CC Spell ID: FE xxx 85B Tome ID: FE xxx 88C Can be purchased from: Calcelmo, Falion, Farengar Secret-Fire, Madena, Nelacar, Phinis Gestor, Sybille Stentor, Wuunferth the Unliving, Wylandriah, Talvas Fathryon DBĬonjure Familiar Spell ID: 00 0640b6 Tome ID: 00 09e2ab.With the Mystic Binding perk, changes to Mystic Sword, for 120 secs.Only available with the Dragonborn add-onīound Sword Spell ID: 00 0211eb Tome ID: 00 09e2a9Ĭreates a magic sword for 120 seconds.Can be purchased from Talvas Fathryon DB after completing the quest From the Ashes.With the Mystic Binding perk, changes to Mystic Dagger, for 120 secs.This page lists Spells in the school of Conjuration.īound Dagger DB Spell ID: xx 01ce06 Tome ID: xx 01ce07Ĭreates a magic dagger for 120 seconds.

Conjure dremora lord looked down upon